Do you have clients that can benefit from an SBA loan?
Utilize SBA gurus lender network to assist you in placing your clients loan and get paid a referral fee directly from the lender you are matched with. Its easy! Sign up today by filling out the questions below and a lender you are matched with will reach out to you to discuss your client’s needs, structure of the loan and referral fee owed to you when the loan closes.
Client of yours requests info on an SBA loan. You Introduce them to the matched lender through an introductory email.
Client of yours receives expert SBA loan advice, Customer service and quick funding through the lender you are matched with.
Once the loan is funded you receive a referral fee that you and the subject lender have agreed upon and congratulate your happy client!
This program is a great resource to build another stream of income for your business and give your customers a chance at growing their business, financing their dream and/ or assisting their business in the much needed capital that their business deserves.
The most referred SBA loans have been Commercial Real Estate Purchases, Business Acquisitions, Partner Buyouts, Refinances and Construction loans.
SBA Gurus have matched hundreds of Loan Brokers, CPA’s Attorney’s, Commercial Real Estate Brokers and more to Nationwide Lenders that finance SBA loans daily.
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